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The possibilities are endless with Accounting as your Rock…

At the beginning of the 21st Century, Accountants find themselves in a unique position where they are able to be actively involved and positively influence the decision making of families, businesses, communities and governments

We would love to hear your inspiring stories and share them with Indigenous Australians and help provide awareness and understanding of the endless possibilities that a career in Accounting can create.


1000 Indigenous Accountants Canberra Event

In June 2014 a 1000 Indigenous Accountants event was held in parliment house Canberra. The event brought together indigenous accountants, current indigenous students, government representatives, academics, business representatives and the professional accounting bodies. The purpose of the event was to connect the many different people involved in this initiative and to assist in the planning for the next stage. Stay tuned to the Indigenous Accountants website maintained by the Professional Accounting bodies for further updates. 

A working session was also held the following day to further plan future initiatives. Photos of the participants are attached. Again, stay tuned to the Indigenous accountants website for further updates (here).   

Photos from the day


Dylan Booth - Young Indigenous Accountant

In early 2014 I sponsored Dylan Booth's trip to New Zealand with the Indigenous Aus tag rugby league team as part of the Oceania cup. A report of the tournament from Dylan is shown below.

Click here to read  


Radio Interview

In 2013 I was interviewed on ABC radio. Press the play button to listen to the interview.  

You can also listen to the interview using this link:  


There are also some great stories from 2009 - 2013 in the News Archives section of the news page


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